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澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载 respects an instructor’s qualifications and upholds the right of an instructor to determine academic standards. 得到全体教员的同意, 讲师建立范围, 目标, and methodology of the course being taught and is responsible for informing students of the requirements for completion of the course of study in the class. The instructor evaluates student performance according to written grading criteria made available to students at the beginning of the class.

学生有责任了解评分政策, 其中可能包括上课出勤要求, 并符合导师政策规定的成绩要求.

学生是否应该对课程的最终成绩有疑问, 应遵循下列公布的程序. 该程序不适用于因学术不诚实而颁发的成绩.

Student concerns about instructor conduct or activities unrelated directly to grades should follow the student grievance procedure in the current 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 catalog.

在这些程序中,举证责任由学生承担. Students may consult with the Office of the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs in Berg Hall or their local Center Directors for assistance with the procedures and policies for appeal.

对某门课程的最终成绩提出上诉的学生必须提供所有测试, 论文, 以及其他支持他们上诉的证据. 投诉必须是合理的,基于上诉的最终课程成绩的理由如下所述.


成绩申诉程序仅针对最终课程成绩. 上诉的理由是在情况下,评分政策, 如课程大纲所述, 没有跟随课程讲师或在记录成绩数据时出现笔误.

以下是 成绩上诉的理由:

  • 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载’s grade appeal procedure does 不 address cases where the 最后 course grade results from academic dishonesty or misconduct. 它也不适用于与歧视有关的成绩上诉, 骚扰, 或者根据澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载的性骚扰政策进行报复, which should be directed to the Office of the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs in Berg Hall on the Elko Campus.
  • The grade appeal process is 不 intended to deal with complaints regarding the content of courses or the quality of instruction. 这些问题应直接向系主任和/或适当的院长提出.
  • 只有 最后 课程讲师在课程结束时提交的课程成绩可以上诉. 个别课程作业的成绩不能通过此程序提出上诉, although the demonstration of an instructor’s error on the grades for individual assignments may serve as evidence for an appeal of the 最后 course grade.


Failure to initiate the following procedures within 30 calendar days of the end of the semester will result in the forfeiture of the right to challenge a grade.


第一步: The student must first communicate with 老师 in writing or by email to discuss the complaint and attempt a satisfactory resolution. 如果成功,则不需要采取进一步的行动.

第二步: 如果在第一步不成功, the student will write a letter to the chair of 老师’s department (this information is available at the admissions and records office in Elko or from your center) requesting a meeting between the student, 老师, 以及系主任. The department chair will respond within 15 days of receipt of the written request and establish a mutually agreeable date and time for the resolution meeting. 在听取双方意见后,系主任将提出解决方案. Acceptance of this solution by both the student and 老师 ends the complaint procedure and no further action will be taken. (注:如果导师同时也是系主任, 学生将向教务委员会主席提出召开决议会议的请求. The senate chair or a designee of the senate chair will fulfill the responsibilities of a department chair as outlined above.)

第三步: Failure of remedy in step two requires a written complaint to be submitted to the Academic Standards Committee of the faculty senate. This complaint may be submitted by either the student or 老师 if either is 不 satisfied by the recommended solution of step two (this action must be accomplished within five days of the failure of step two).

  • The student must complete a 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Official Grade Appeal form and all relevant documents and submit them to the Academic Standards Committee Chair.
  • A written statement of the facts and circumstances giving rise to the grade appeal must be attached to the Official Grade Appeal form. 本声明必须清楚、完整、准确和真实,不得超过两页.

在收到书面投诉后15天内, the academic standards committee will arrange for the student and 老师 to be heard before a full or quorum meeting of the academic standards committee; the chair involved in step two will be in attendance if deemed necessary by the student or 老师. Within 15 days of this meeting the chair of the academic standards committee will provide a written recommendation to resolve the issue. 副本将发给学生, 老师, 以及部门主席或指定的参议院主席(视情况而定).

步骤四: 如问题仍未解决,令任何一方满意, a written request of review must be lodged in the Office of the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs within three calendar days of issuance of the academic standards committee’s recommendations. 负责学术和学生事务的副校长会, 在查看了前三个步骤的文档之后, 出具书面决定,作为最终决定.

注意: 在夏季,教师可能无法完成上诉程序. 学生仍然必须在学期结束后的30个日历日内提出申诉, but it is possible that an appeal relating to spring semester may 不 be resolved until fall semester.





澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载, “白银之州的金本位制”, 提供副学士和学士学位水平的学术教育, 职业和技术领域. 欢迎超过4人,每年有来自全国各地的000名学生, 无论是在网上还是在我们的各个校园和中心, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载的业务横跨两个时区,覆盖超过86个国家,整个内华达州的面积达1000平方英里. 农村高等教育领跑者, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 takes pride in developing students who are well-prepared to meet the demands of industry and who contribute to the success and prosperity of the local economy.

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